Sentinel, Sentinel: What’s the difference?

Owners of Uniden ZIP Code scanners can use the free Sentinel software to do database and firmware updates as well as create and edit Favorites Lists. While they look and feel very much the same, the versions of Sentinel for the HomePatrols is different than that for the BCD436HP and BCD536HP.

The HomePatrol Sentinel works for both the original HomePatrol 1 and the newer HomePatrol 2. When installed on your Windows computer it will have a brown shield icon on the desktop.

The BCDx36HP Sentinel works for both the BCD436HP handheld and the BCD536HP desktop/mobile scanners and has a green shield icon on the desktop.

You can easily share Favorites Lists between HP-1’s and HP-2’s as well as between 436’s and 536’s. In order to share Favorites Lists between HomePatrol’s and “x36’s” you need to export from one and import it to the other.

If you have both types of radios you will need to install both versions of Sentinel. Even though they look and feel the same they cannot handle the other radio types. There is no additional learning curve but there are a few terminology differences. For example, in the HomePatrol Sentinel the menu used to read or write to the radio is called “HomePatrol” while the x36 version it is “Scanner”.

Firmware Alert – Uniden HomePatrol-1

By Jonathan Higgins

Product: Uniden HomePatrol-1 (HP-1)
Firmware Update: 1.03.01

What included in the update?

This update should fix a couple of the little bugs that were reported to Uniden. Nothing major in this update.

How to update your HomePatrol?

  1. Plug your HP-1 into AC Power to prevent power lost during update.
  2. Connect your HP-1 to your PC via the Programming cable.
  3. Open the Sentinel Software
    (If you don’t have the software download it here)
  4. Click “Update” tab
  5. Select “Update Firmware”
  6. Your HomePatrol should be selected, click “OK”
  7. The software will prompt you once the download is done.
  8. Disconnect the programming cable from your HP-1
  9. Please allow a few minutes for the update process to run.
  10. Your HP-1 will restart and the firmware update is complete.