Scanner Master Road Trip – Hopkinton, MA

By Greg Jolly
Road Trip to Hopkinton, MA

On Friday April 16th the Scanner Master crew, Rich, Jonathan and myself, traveled to the center of Hopkinton, MA and the start of the Boston Marathon. Our purpose for this visit was to install a very custom programming job into a Uniden BCD996XT that was located in the new State of Massachusetts 911 Telecommunications Mobile Command Center.

The custom programming job, created by Scanner Master, will allow the operators of this communications vehicle to monitor the public safety agencies of any of the 351 cities and towns within Massachusetts along with a variety of statewide agencies.

The telecommunications vehicle will allow for backup operation of existing 911centers and major event communications. We were able to witness the newest state of the art technology in communications while there, as the vehicle has just been placed into service.

This programming job provided another successful partnership between Scanner Master Corp. and the public safety community, of which we are very proud.

The Uniden BCD996XT inside the Massachusetts 911 Telecommunications Mobile Command Center